Thursday, August 20, 2009

On success

I think success comes from being patient and understanding that success is measured in increments. Just as a big job can be overwhelming when looked at as a whole but if we break it down into smaller pieces or steps it is more manageable. You complete one small step and go on the the next. In that same way, if we consider smaller achievements successes then we can link those together to see that we are successful in general. Patience comes through understanding our human nature which is less than perfect, forgive ourselves for mistakes and go on to achieve our highest aspirations which we may change or fine tune as we learn more about exactly who we are and what this world and life is. I continue to learn the art of jewelry making as I have every day of my carrier.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

In Style picture and credit.

I just found this article from a few years ago. Emmy is a lovely young lady and so worthy of being their pick for "Look of the Day".

It shows only a little bit of the ring so here it is: